Welcome to CODOBIO
Continuous Downstream Processing of Biologics – is an international training programme (ITN) funded in the frame of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

15 Early Stage Researchers are dealing with different aspects of continuous downstream processing during their doctoral thesis. The CODOBIO consortium consists of nine industry partners, eight universities, one research organisation, a regulatory institution and a business consultancy and has developed a research and training programme including relevant scientific/technical and transferable skills trainings.
In order to expose all ESRs to an industrial environment they are either employed directly at a company or they visit a partner organization from industry during their secondments.
Main objective
The main objective of the CODOBIO proposal is to deliver a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial, highly-skilled and innovative Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) that are able to face the future transition challenges and to greatly contribute to the knowledge-based economy and digitized environment in manufacturing and society in general. In the proposed research programme, the most urgent questions in continuous downstream processing will be addressed:
- Process control and modelling of continuous downstream processes
- Miniaturization, scale-up and scale-down of continuous downstream processes
- Process design and development of integrated continuous downstream processes